Different thinking

There are two main paths of civilization, conventionally called "eastern" and "western". The "eastern" condition consists in the recognition of the incomprehensible complexity of the world, inexpressibility and untranslatability of the human experience in understanding this world. The "western" condition consists of relying on rationality. Rationality --- originates from the Latin ratio, meaning "cause", "explanation", but also "relation", i.e. is associated with division into parts, analysis. Certainly, rational (reasoning, non-intuitive, not of an "eastern" type) thinking equally helps with synthesis, unification into a whole analytically disassembled into parts. But in Western culture historically a great importance is given to logic-based "analytics", i.e. formalization and modeling. Rationality --- is one of the methods of intelligence stack thinking, more details on rationality are provided in the course "Intelligence Stack". Formalization and modeling in rationality are done based on expressed guesses-explanations about what is happening in the subject area, not derived "empirically" from any observations, therefore rationality is not only counterposed to the Eastern tradition "unfathomability", but also to the Western tradition "reliance on experience, on observations, derivation of explanations from observations". These guesses can then be criticized, and based on the surviving criticized guesses about the structure of the world, decisions are made on actions to improve the world, "saving". The theory of decisions is precisely studied as a part of ration …