Methodology and Systems Thinking

The modern methodology uses a systemic approach to describe the ways creators/agents work in chains of creating some systems. In particular, modern methodology takes into account that it usually involves teams of agents and collectives (team of teams) of agents - that is, it deals with organizations of agents. Agents from the entire set of IPU are selected as capable of recognizing themselves and the environment and designing changes in their models of themselves and the environment, as well as planning and carrying out actions based on these changes. This is a fairly broad spectrum of systems, where microbes are unlikely to fit the definition of "agents," cats to a lesser extent, but humans and especially "humans with computers" / cyborgs or even "computers with humans within them" / hybrots as organizational links - fit quite well. And when we talk about agents, we will most often imagine not just a system-agent, but a creator-agent.

The scaleless methodology is ready to discuss how communities, societies, and humanity can act as creators (there are no "work assignments" in them), but this is currently underdeveloped - it is already clear that for productive creation of a comfortable/low-risk living environment, a market economy is suitable, and concepts of ownership (including ownership of one's own body and work products) and freedom of exchanging labor results need to be introduced, moving towards praxeology. Here, for example, is praxeology in the version of Murray Rothbard from 1951 (and it cannot be said that humanity has made much progress in building praxeology):

  1. Theory of the isolated agent (Robinson Crusoe economics)
  2. Theory of voluntary interpersonal exchange (catallactics, or market economy)
    1. Barter
    2. With means for exchange
      1. Free market
      2. Effects of violent market intervention
      3. Effects of violent market prohibition (socialism)
  3. Theory of war - hostile activity
  4. Game theory (for example, works of von Neumann and Morgenstern)
  5. Unknown

How communities, societies, and humanity as a whole should be politically structured and how the law should be based on praxeology as a general theory of activity - is a big question. Our methodology course will not address in the current version the practices/activity/labor of communities, societies, and humanity, just as it will say little about the "method of the machine's work" or the "method of the robot's work," although in this case it will be simpler and clearer, except that the machine and robot cannot make decisions about their work method, people and organizations of people, which include machines and robots, do it for them. But now with the development of artificial intelligence, another consideration is possible: some department can be represented as a computer, which includes people - and as development progresses, people are gradually replaced by computers, this is the trend of "automation of everything," the concept of the cyborg as an image of the agent of the future is replaced by the concept of the hybrot.

The content of our methodology course is related to the fact that we are considering projects of creating systems that are carried out by the creators of these systems. So the following sections can be seen as a continuation of the course of systems thinking. The concepts of the second-generation systemic approach include the concept of a "life cycle" as work carried out by the creators, and with the emergence of the third generation of systemic approach, the concept of development as happening in the course of evolution. We consider these concepts within the framework of the methodology course, not the course of systems thinking.