Checklists and collective collectiveness

In the project system diagram, the alphas are indicated, the state of which needs to be reliably kept in mind throughout the entire project as an activity of some organizational unit regardless of the chosen method of work management; the diagram is applicable not only for classical project management. Even if you have chosen to manage work using the practice of process management or case management, we will still be talking about a project (although the concept of a project will be getting closer and closer to the concept of a case -- a set of work for the purpose of changing the state of an alpha, the work itself progresses with work products that realize the state of the alpha).

There will be many projects in an enterprise, so the enterprise system diagram will include many system diagrams of an object and can be quite intricate and voluminous. Keeping attention on these constantly changing objects is collectedness, in this case collective collectedness, attention is maintained using checklists in external memory (usually in computers, rarely on paper), and the project system diagram can be understood as a "collection of project checklists". Follow the checklists read Atul Gawande's book, "The Checklist Manifesto," 2009 -- and consider this book one of the most interesting contemporary materials on methodology, as it extensively describes how division of labor emerges and is maintained, that is, the splitting of work methods into separate practices, and then the division of the resulting roles that perform these practices among individual agents (people and computers).

The alphas of the project system diagram and the alphas of many projects in the enterprise system diagram can be viewed as peculiar checklists: they ensure that you do not forget to consider the states of these alphas during project work and enterprise operation. Of course, this is not about “diagrams” for project and enterprise system diagrams, but about databases storing lists of alphas, sub-alphas, their states, control questions for these states, current results of answers to these questions, work products that realize these alphas. There are many alphas, many states, many work products, a lot of work with them; computers allow maintaining collective attention on all of them, while completing work with alphas (case::work) moves them from one state to another during the creation and development of systems (and, of course, the use of these systems).