What's next

Here is the translation of the provided text from Russian to English:

You have completed the course "Systems Thinking." What's next? Think about the following actions:

  • Simply think in your projects as described in the course and its exercises (compose and fill in tables in universal modelers or even in simpler forms - lists, plain texts; this is systems thinking in its current version!), use the meta-meta-model of systems thinking. Achieve fluency in systems thinking, do not postpone it to "someday, when you have time." Systems thinking is filling out the same tables you filled in during this course - it's nothing special that you haven't tried before. Fill in these tables for your current projects, fill them for new projects, do not hesitate to modify these tables. Use any modeler for these tables, you should already find it easy to do so.
  • You will save a lot of time if you avoid making the mistakes pointed out in the course. You will save a lot of time if you focus more on what quietly matters in the project and less on the unimportant things that scream and distract your attention. You already know a lot, so use that knowledge! Present your successes at a conference, write a post on your blog[1] (not only "thinking by modeling" but also "thinking in writing" significantly helps improve your thinking fluency!).
  • If the material proves to be difficult and you didn't quite understand what was discussed in the course, try taking prerequisite courses with instructors as well as retaking this course with an instructor. Our experience shows that taking courses with an instructor is much more effective, and skipping the prerequisite course ("Modeling and Collectiveness") doesn't lead to any savings.
  • Dig deeper! Look into the literature referenced in our course. Participate in discussions in the course support chat on Telegram[2], where you will find over two thousand fellow students!
  • Note that the course does not cover all material on systems thinking. The continuation of the course is the "Methodology" course, which will explain the life cycle of systems, followed by the course on normative science/discipline (a science that indicates "how to do it") "Systems Engineering." After that, you can move on to the "Systems Management" course. With each new course along this line, you will not only better understand the material from the "Systems Thinking" course but also see why this material is necessary and how it is beneficial.

All the mentioned courses can be found in the online version of the "Endless Development" program[3], and options for taking courses with instructors can be found on the School of Systems Management website[4].

  1. Many blog posts from students learning systems thinking can be found on the System School blog, https://blog.system-school.ru/ ↩︎

  2. https://t.me/systemsthinking_course ↩︎

  3. https://system-school.ru/open-endedness ↩︎

  4. https://system-school.ru/ ↩︎