What is coherence

We start our training with focus, so that within 3 weeks of the course you manage to set up your workplace and start applying the course material to your life regularly.

To begin with, write (on a sticker or in a short note format in the Systems World Club) what "being focused" means to you personally. When was the last time you demonstrated focus? How did you understand that it was focus and not something else? Can you provide an example of when it helped you solve a complex task or, conversely, did not work?

It is extremely important to stop and complete this task right now. This is part of your learning that will yield results faster than "scanning the text with your eyes." So, copy the questions from the text, switch to the tab https://systemsworld.club/ and publish your short post on this topic.

Done? Well done! Now describe the focus of your employees or your team as a whole. How would you rate it now, before the start of the course? How does it help or hinder you? And how does your focus affect your colleagues? Add this to your post on https://systemsworld.club/ or write a separate post with reflections on this topic.

The word "focus" in this textbook will be used in three meanings:

  1. Focus as a skill. This is how we will talk about focus most often.
  2. Focus as a (trans)discipline. There will be many references to the discipline of focus in the textbook, which can be described in many other textbooks.
  3. Focus as a training course or educational project, in which you study the textbook, part of the "Modeling and Focus" program. Specifically in the textbook, this meaning will be encountered rarely. However, when you tell your friends and relatives that you are taking a course or that you have tasks to complete, you will specifically mean the course.

The conclusion about the current meaning can be drawn from the context.

Of all these meanings, the most important is, of course, skill - it is precisely for the development of the skill of focus that the discipline is created and courses are written. And not just any skill, but the skill of a specific agent - that is, an individual, organization, community, and so on. When we talk about skill, we are interested in the actual focus of a specific agent on a specific date: "my current focus" or "the focus of my team". For example, a student's focus at the beginning of the course - and comparing it to the focus at the end.

By focus, we will understand the mastery of attention management by the agent in activities on different time scales. This skill allows you to:

  • Focus on the important by role, despite distractions;
  • Keep focus on the important for as long as needed (days - weeks - months - years);
  • Realize that something went wrong before the problem "hits you over the head";
  • Integrate information to solve problems;
  • Do all this with minimal effort to save energy and other resources.

If you are a marketer, and you can focus on attracting customers without being distracted by other tasks, and get the first result; maintain focus on attracting and constantly experimenting to attract the best customers for your company; realize that some customers need to be let go; gather information together to communicate to management; and not burn out amidst the abundance of information - you definitely have good skills in focus! And you demonstrate it in your work, not losing yourself in the flow of information.

Check yourself according to your work role: how well do you manage your attention when working with important objects? Supplement the post about your understanding of focus with an assessment of your personal proficiency in the skill according to the points mentioned above!

And now supplement the post about your colleagues or team. Try to assess their focus based on the points, providing real situations where focus worked (or didn't work) as justification.