Operation of coherence

Mastery of personal coherence interests us at the moment of operation or use. That is, at the moment when it triggers (or does not trigger) to a sufficient extent to perform certain operations. For example, when you have smoothly started following a new daily schedule with alternating periods of focused work and focused rest. Or when you suddenly failed to develop a habit, and you stopped working on it, even though you need it - this means that coherence did not work.

It is desirable that the agent's coherence mastery withstand typical daily situations and also help navigate in extreme ones. For example, your coherence after the course should help you deal more easily with current tasks, learn new skills - and also help cope with unexpectedly increased workloads. But if you work in areas directly related to life and death of people (such as medicine and aviation) or if you are preparing to become a professional athlete and need to endure extreme stress regularly, then you will need a higher level of coherence mastery than usual. It is better to have an approximate assessment of the level of coherence mastery you need as a "coherence user" so you have the opportunity to improve coherence in advance, as part of preparatory training for life changes.

Coherence is operated daily throughout the agent's life and will change along with them. The physical ability of a person to manage attention begins to increase around the age of 26 and remains quite high throughout life, while the ability to quickly memorize and retrieve information from biological memory begins to decline after 30 and significantly degrades after 44. By that point in your personal life, it is preferable to be prepared: armed with an exocortex and the ability to create work products with its help in a quality and timely manner. Then, inevitable age-related changes will not evoke feelings of helplessness. Moreover, you will be able to surpass others thanks to accumulated experience and honed ability to timely extract it from your gadgets.

Changes will also occur in the life of an organization. For example, in the early stages, it may be more important to do something new as quickly as possible, therefore, the coherence of the team should allow for maximum acceleration. However, as the organization develops (transitioning to the next stages of its life cycle), it will become important not only to constantly do something new, but rather to stabilize the execution of current tasks and systematically improve it. It will be necessary to focus on a multitude of operations performed by different employees in the company, on the quality of performing these operations, on the quality of control over the operations, on the distribution of efforts between improving the current and investing in the future. Accordingly, it will be necessary to improve the coherence of the company's team to support development in a new situation for the company. If this is not done, the company may find itself in a situation where the lack of coherence becomes a limitation hindering further growth.

To understand what coherence is needed for which agent, you can create a corresponding description. Initially, you can act as a customer and describe the "request" or "order" for coherence qualification that you have. Then describe how you will operate it as a user, and adjust the customer's description if necessary. (You can describe first as a user, and then as a customer - the order does not matter). And then act as an engineer/creator of coherence and describe what and how you can actually do to achieve that particular level of coherence by a certain point in time. Then you will need to synchronize all three descriptions, to "negotiate" the final representations of coherence qualification, the speed of its acquisition, the necessary resources so that you do not overlook anything important. To do this, you will have to separate your customer, user, and creator roles and play each of them effectively.