Targeted communication

First of all, let's orient communication pragmatically. This is necessary to view our communications as a sequence of movements towards specific goals - in this case, communicative goals.

In many contexts, people claim that they communicate because it's fun; because they gain social resources; because they feel lonely [without communication]; and so on.

All these "because" can be brought into a pragmatic context - reformulated to sound like a goal.

Because it's fun - with the goal of gaining a certain amount of enjoyment.

Because social interaction is important - with the goal of gaining social resources/socializing.

Because of loneliness - with the goal of filling the void in life.

This way, we highlight the pragmatic aspect in the act of communication.

Another goal is to conceptualize communication. To denote which objects you will highlight from the background within this topic; which words you will use to denote these objects; what can be overlooked. What to talk about and what to focus on when you want to discuss communication and observe it.