Personal and team cohesion

Training yourself and others to the point of automatism does not happen quickly: at least on the scale of habit, and often on longer scales. And it often leads to long-term consequences in the form of changes in lifestyle.

Regular application of fundamental principles of coherence and adaptation of applied coherence to selected goals will lead to qualitative, albeit not always immediately noticeable, changes. For example, if you think about long-term goals and consequences of actions in the long term, not just in short periods, you have the opportunity to make choices differently. For example, a company may afford to burn money on advertising that does not bring results, by millions, and only notice it by chance. Or not to select problems and clients, but to work with all problems and all clients on the principle of a restaurant that prepares dishes from a dozen world kitchens (usually, all of them are bad). In short periods, the consequences of such actions are not obvious and do not attract much attention. But if you think in terms of decades of existence, such mistakes become critical for the agent's survival: in the long run, it is preferable to minimize the loss of money and the best clients and to make some profit, rather than to maximize profit, even with some loss of money and ideal clients.

However, the ability to reason in this way is "unlocked" only if you have objects such as "long time scales" and "consequences of agent behavior on long scales" in your attention and consciousness. As long as they are not present, the agent simply will not contemplate in this way, it is not necessary for them!

When you apply certain practices for a long time, they not only become your automatism. They accumulate and together create your personal lifestyle - how you live, how the content of your activities is "packaged." The style is individual and depends on the agent, their personal frustrations and inclinations, the problems selected for solving, and the desired life outcomes. However, there are different types of styles that lead to different consequences. For example, an "interesting" lifestyle, in which the agent does not think about long-term goals at all, constantly acts spontaneously, and rejects boring plans, leads to an interesting and captivating life series. But executing long, complex projects with such a lifestyle will be difficult.

On the other hand: those who implement interesting complex projects often have a more "boring" lifestyle, with planning, a fairly consistent schedule, established habits, and rituals. All the "interesting" is directed into the content of activities, and their "organization" is maximally standardized to not distract from content.

Which type of lifestyle suits you more is for you to decide. Both types and their intermediate variations have the right to exist and their audience. The main thing is a conscious choice of the style that is close to you and will help you feel that you are living your life meaningfully.

Coherence will be needed in any case: it will help maintain the chosen lifestyle. The fundamental principles of coherence are the same for any agents: as individuals, teams, companies. You can base them at the core of your life as well as the life of your company - all or several of them, and form the style that suits you best.