Description of complex relationships and composite objects

When it comes to real useful models, it turns out to be very difficult to work exclusively with triplets, adhering to the structure of "one relationship and two entities per sentence." Many life situations are immediately organized as three-place or more-place structures, where more than two objects are important and interact simultaneously. Linguistic structures of natural language easily handle such situations. But for our more formal approach, we have to make an effort to express these complex structures in sets of triplets.

Let's say we need to describe a phrase in Russian using triplets that describes the relationship of four objects:

"I am cooking dinner in my kitchen on 23.02.2023"

One solution is to consider the phrase itself, describing the action, as an object.

Let it be object A, a special individual (because it is not a category, it is something concrete, in what specific sense exactly - we will study this later).

Then we can write four triplets:

A -- this is "Individual physical object"

A includes_actor "I"

A includes_action_from_class "Cooking dinner"

A includes_action_location "my kitchen"

A has_action_date "23.02.2023"

All constructions are understandable, although not all subtleties correspond to the previously discussed principles of identifying and naming objects. Take it on trust that the principles and recording of such triplets can be harmonized in the further formalization of our modeling approach and the choice of a formal logical language. Note that we introduced a relationship between the individual "I" and the category "Cooking dinner".

Another solution is to describe one part of the statement with a triplet, consider it as a separate object, and attach additional entities to it with separate triplets:

"I" create_object_from_category "Dinner"

{"I"** create_object_from_category "Dinner"}** is_named A

A -- this is "Individual physical object"

A has_action_location "my kitchen"

A has_action_date "23.02.2023"

The idea of the construction should be understandable. Formalization of such constructions can be done effortlessly but already in formal logical languages.

Those interested in studying more fully the mechanisms of "reifying triplets" (there are only four of them) in a formal modeling language can read the article

It is useful to be able to more accurately model complex objects using triplets, indicating their relationships with simpler ones.

If you need a new object, you can give it a name, for example, "Pot with vegetables" (let it be a category). Basically, to someone who knows Russian, it will be clear what is being talked about. Or maybe not, because someone might think that it refers to a pot with vegetables drawn on it. But we can formally describe this object through relationships. Let's write a few phrases easily translatable into triplets:

Carrots are in a pot with vegetables.

Cabbage is in a pot with vegetables.

Potatoes are in a pot with vegetables.

We used relationships (triplets) to more accurately describe the new object of interest.