Using the exocortex

As mentioned earlier, the **exocortex acts as an amplifier of focus. It allows for faster and more precise attention to be drawn to the necessary objects, literally "highlighting" them. For example, during a meeting within a company (online or offline), it is useful to display the meeting agenda on a shared screen visible to all participants to immediately focus the collective attention on the meeting's objective. Keeping the agenda in front of the participants throughout the meeting and periodically referencing it will help maintain focus on the goal and prevent distractions. Additionally, before the meeting, you can schedule it in the calendar and send reminders to all participants to ensure they do not forget to attend. This way, the exocortex of the meeting will reduce the efforts required for its execution.

The exocortex also allows you to present the results of your activities to other people. This is particularly important when working with descriptions: there should be the ability to generate complete descriptions, such as describing your current proficiency in focus, or parts of them, communicate these descriptions to others for review, and generally document the results of working with mental objects for yourself and others. The exocortex enables you to do this quickly and efficiently. Additionally, it literally "displays" your actual workload, if you pass all tasks through the exocortex, meaning you do not do anything that is not indicated in your planner[1]({target="_blank"}.

The exocortex also serves as an action accelerator. It allows for the automation of specific repetitive actions, such as automatically compiling reports on employee performance or transcribing calls, copying successful pieces of code. Wherever possible and appropriate, we want to use the exocortex: it significantly reduces the number of efforts required for routine tasks, thereby freeing up time for creativity.

The exocortex acts not only as an amplifier of focus but also as an amplifier of the agent's intelligence as a whole. The exocortex can create an environment for knowledge programming, creative idea generation during reflections. Information uploaded to the exocortex is categorized by types, interconnected, resulting in the birth of something new: new ways of performing tasks, new projects, a new quality of thinking.

  1. [source] ↩︎