Language selection

Text in en:

All users of the descriptions must encounter the words of their semantic community either directly or through a chain of interpretation instructions in your description.

These languages can be taken directly from the semantic communities (not equal to a role; a role is simply a place within the system, and how a person can variably speak while occupying that place may depend on a million other features from regional to subcultural within a particular enterprise!), or guessed from the role of the customer and recipient of the description, which they have in the rest of their work (in addition to the task of creating the description being considered).

There are two options:

  • Speak the language of the recipient: this is the default option, it is safe, the recipient will understand you and be able to grasp the content of the description. In this case, you determine which semantic community your recipient belongs to (for example, by role) and take their words. If we cannot find out the semantic community of the recipient of the description, we can almost always talk to their representatives, extract the main terms directly from their speech, and then use them further.
  • Build a chain of languages in such a way that while conveying the content of the description, you teach the recipient a new language, for example, the language of the description's customer. This option may be more difficult, but sometimes the goal is precisely this: to use the description not only to convey some content, but also to facilitate the issuance of subsequent descriptions in a language closer and more natural for the description's customer.

Note: there is no option to speak in a language that is comfortable for you, the author of the description! You are fluent in all languages and all object-based slices to catch the customers of descriptions and the recipients of descriptions, but you are not particularly present with your language in this entire scheme.