Pragmatic meaning of description

In addition to the instructions for the descriptions, to correctly interpret the description, it may be helpful to pay attention to their goal orientation.

Someone always compiles the description, and someone always reads it. So they can be considered as a means of communication between agents, even if it's very asynchronous.

Do you understand at any given moment what questions you or any other person can ask about the description?

And what answers can you get?

We cannot ask any question about any description. There are no universal descriptions. Moreover, not every question can simply come to mind when looking at any description. For example, we look at a map --- and we do not think about extracting a plot from it. And we do not ask ourselves what the person who drew this map looked like. And if we read a textual description of something, then we do not want to ask how tall the mountain to the right of the lake is (unless of course the text is about the mountain to the right of the lake). From the content of the description, we can guess what questions can be asked about it.

In addition to the content, we can also guess these questions from the general context of the situation (who is giving the description; why; at what moment in time, etc.) or from the context of the activity.