Amplifier of coherence

You will calculate the power in the exocortex. Exocortex is usually defined as an external (technological, non-biological) environment for information processing. However, we will refer to it as an amplifier, which we literally include in the composition of the agent as an active unit in the world. For example, we will talk about an individual as the individual + their exocortex (and also their exotele, if it exists). So, the "formula of the assembled individual" is "individual + techno-amplifier/exocortex". This is how any mention of an "agent" should be read throughout the book.

It is difficult to imagine a modern assembled agent without this amplifier. Every day, we use phones with Internet access, smart watches and fitness trackers, ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other neural networks, project modelers, to-do lists, and so on. Even right now, you are reading this text either on the AIsystant platform or from your e-reader. Work roles are also difficult to imagine without an exocortex. What would a modern accountant do without knowing how to use "1C" or its analogs? How would an organizer quickly notify a large number of participants about a meeting being rescheduled? How to quickly share thinking results with others via email? How to calculate work capacity?

Since the exocortex is considered a personal and team amplifier, the key criterion for its selection becomes the ability of a specific application or gadget to enhance a specific agent. And here, as many people, as many opinions. Some find it more convenient to use for project modeling, others prefer Notion, while some manage with boards in Trello. Some engage in public thought through writing in one social network, others in another. Some will calculate work capacity in Excel or Yandex.Tables / Google Sheets, while others will create a table in a modeler. When starting to use a new practice, for example, the practice of calculating work capacity, it is convenient to choose an exocortex that you can configure quickly.

It is important to choose an exocortex that can amplify you right now and will not start failing under slightly higher than usual loads, rather than an ideal exocortex in general. Evaluate the quality of your exocortex based on how successful your fusion/symbiosis with it is.