Concentration as a applied proficiency

It is the problems with applied concentration that make agents change something, for example, enroll in this course. Problems with applied concentration can also prevent you from breaking through the first sections of the textbook to establish a more solid concentration. Therefore, let's start with a discussion of the applied concentration sufficient to "stay focused" in advance.

Applied concentration helps to deal with current affairs and not drown in them. Therefore, it is appropriate to start the discussion of applied concentration with the practice of analyzing the current concentration: what is happening with your affairs right now? Are you having issues because you are trying to do more than you physically can? For example, you may not complete this course simply because you are overloaded with work, and there is no room in your schedule to "fit in" taking the course. Let's find out if this is true and how to change your approach to work so that time for studying does appear in your schedule.