Calibrate the jitter

Assess the strength of the jitter in each of these situations (for example, from 1 to 10, but you can also use scales from 1 to 3, and from 1 to 100, or any other scale).

Look at other situations in life where you encounter jitter and how strong it is.

Learn to distinguish nuances of jitter. In psychotherapy, different felt senses are pursued for personal transformation, which may not be necessary for us, but delving into jitter in detail will help for the purpose of calibrating quick decision-making based on this feeling.

Have a sequence of actions when jitter occurs

Each time, treat this feeling as a signal that a check is needed. By now, you already have ideas about what to pay attention to and what to check (from previous chapters), and in future sections we will add a few more. Check what could have gone wrong; which rules were violated:

  • unclear referent;
  • mistyped as you expected;
  • object slicing not meaningful to you;
  • someone behaves as if not in their own interests;
  • someone seems to be in multiple roles at once;
  • an unacceptable language combination is used from your point of view;
  • instead of an explanation with cause-and-effect relationships, you are given a narrative without explanatory power;
  • ...