How to work with bouncing?

General approach

💡 "Jitter" can be classified as "sensually perceived sense", --- these are poorly expressible quasi-corporeal sensations.

This concept came from the works of Y. Gendlin and the client-centered approach in psychotherapy. The idea is that often, when a certain sensation arises (in a certain class of situations united by a common feature, such as a theme, a person, a pattern of unfolding, and so on), it is not so easy to name it with words, --- but it can be remembered as a whole sensation and then orient oneself to it (not only to its presence or absence, but also to its intensity and nuances) in order to uncover the interesting aspect behind it.

The feeling that objects are being treated incorrectly, logic is violated, ontology is "off," everything is in chaos, is also not so easy to describe: this is a description of thoughts, not feelings that arise when we encounter it.

Find the jitter

Take a sample of situations where "jitter" definitely occurs. There should be many cases where fairly obvious mistakes have been made.

  • In our company, Oleg, Ilya, and the accountant work.
  • There is no such thing as a table in my room.
  • Two students are walking, one in a coat, the other in an institute.
  • The assortment of the church shop: metal crosses, Catholic crosses.
  • A leader is a role. What role does a leader have?
  • ...

In all these situations, the same feeling will be present --- grasp it and remember it. I will not describe this feeling further in words --- remember it in your case as a complete feeling, as an imprint of the common in your internal state that accompanies all these situations.

But there will be nuances in it, meaning in the future you will be able to distinguish between a violation of the adjacency of enumeration from unexpected usage types --- from a blurred reference --- from a jitter of the role --- and so on. All together, you will be able to call this ontological jitter.