Intentions of the agent

When an agent takes on multiple roles, each with its own interests and preferences, the agent develops intentions taking into account all other factors, such as their own competence in certain areas, the preferences of others, the situation, and so on. Intentions are essentially strategies that can be used to fulfill preferences. For example, a cook will choose a convenient kitchen, if there is a choice available (or clean up the existing one if there is only one option), buy ingredients on the day of cooking (to keep them fresh) and wash the dishes to ensure they are clean. It is important to note that there are alternative ways to achieve the same preference: for instance, hiring someone to clean the kitchen, renting a ready-to-use kitchen, or cleaning the kitchen themselves.

Therefore, if we state that a particular object is a role, we must specify its interests and preferences.

We will specify at least two important objects of interest and preferences for each role.

[Title]::Role (object: characteristic:value; characteristic:value..., object: characteristic:value; characteristic:value)