Analysis and synthesis

The selected information is analyzed, meaning that information about individual (not all) objects and their properties is extracted from the data flow - only those that are essential. For example, information about the "location of a knife in the kitchen" is extracted to compare it with the "expected location". Details like the "curtains", their color, novelty, and so on, are irrelevant.

Analysis implies literally "breaking down" the incoming information and selecting those pieces that are needed for the activity. We usually talk about functional analysis, analyzing the functions performed by an object (or if an agent, analyzing roles). "How does it work? How should it work?". The analysis is done in a way that makes synthesis easier later.

During synthesis, the extracted pieces are stitched together, often in a new way, to create a model. For synthesis, it is important to be able to group objects based on certain features (identify classes, assign types). Then the pieces will come together to form a model. If there are issues with typing, you may only see individual objects without being able to connect them. To improve your synthesis abilities, practice typing is required.

The depth of information processing during modeling can vary. You can gather "raw data" (material for processing) and simply break it down (type, classify, store in an information store). This usually occurs during information selection. You can prepare "semi-finished products", which involve initial processing of information. For example, removing blurry photos from a folder of raw photos, cropping some photos, enhancing colors. And finally, you can create "finished work products" that require thorough processing of the "raw material" according to a selected model. For example, creating a photo collage with selected photos from a trip.

Often, finished work products bring the maximum benefit: they are more accurate and last longer. However, they take longer to create than "raw data" and "semi-finished products." To facilitate the process of creating them, trade "complexity" for "feasibility". Preparatory work helps in this process.